Rolando Toro - 97 Jahre; Wandlung durch Biodanza; Ausblick [2021 Corona Krise]

Rolando Toro – 97 years; transformation through Biodanza; future [2021 Corona crisis]

19. April 2021 8 By Martin Matyus

97 years old today would have been Rolando Toro and in this time of deprivation of Biodanza Vivencias (in real life) I may realize how much we need Biodanza and how valuable Biodanza is for me.
A transformation! – It has arisen and I have welcomed and embraced it.

Rolando Toro - 97 years; transformation through Biodanza; future [2021 Corona crisis] 1

from Martin Matyus


  1. Transformation
  2. Time of crisis
  3. Biodanza and the crisis
  4. Future


A transformation that I was allowed to experience with Biodanza Anselm Grün sums up in words that I could not formulate better:


from Anselm Grün

Longing is the beginning of all transformation.
And this is something quite different from change.
Change is something for doers, planners and activists.
Transformation is not made: it happens.
Transformation does not want to get things under control,
to stop what is wrong or to avoid it by force.
It does not work with noise, but thoughtfully and quietly.
Because what grows does not make noise.

Transformation happens in the encounter, in love.
The benevolent gaze of the other transforms us.
When we encounter love, we emerge renewed.
Another person can love something out of us,
that was previously hidden within us.
Love awakens a power that lets us discover our own secret.

Whoever sets out on the path, his longing will be satisfied.

From “Stay on the Trail of Your Dreams” – Book of Desire

Time of crisis

We may not, but may we do without?

Already since the beginning of the Corona crisis – or is it possibly a crisis of humanity – we are recommended “social distancing” and any contact with other people is charged with fears. Politics, media and also scientists still recommend coercive measures as a rescue from Corona.

Will it help us to let fears guide us?

Certainly Covid-19 is real, certainly precautions, science, medicine and an evidence-based approach are needed to manage this pandemic. But what do I experience here in Austria and learn from other countries?

Chaos, violence and obsession with power! – Fearful people are docile, easier to manipulate and hope for rescue. All this politicians and media make use of to be able to reach personal goals and to satisfy personal sensitivities.

Fear is and always has been a bad advisor and will be in the future!

Biodanza and the crisis

For more than a year, Biodanza Vivencias have been more or less prohibited in Austria. With a few exceptions, we had to refrain from meeting, embracing and experiencing Biodanza together.

These exceptions have been sources of strength and have nourished the hope that the crisis will end soon. That’s how necessary it would have been and how urgent and important it is to be able to dive back into Vivencias as soon as possible. Not only for us, who have already gained experience with Biodanza, but also from other people I see, feel and hear the need for encounters – unintentional and unbiased.

Doch die Kommunikation der Angst ist präsent und penetriert uns ständig.

  • Can we manage to free ourselves from it?
  • Can we manage to meet people in the foreseeable future without an inner voice signaling us danger?
  • Can we overcome the traumas of this time?

I am sure: Biodanza will help us! – Thank you Rolando Toro and all the people who carry Biodanza and preserve it for humanity!


As soon as I’m allowed – yes, I don’t want to flout the law and regulations – I’ll start weekly groups again, no matter how many participating people join.

Also the program Biodanza-Teacher-Exchange will be continued and there will be weekend – Vivencia dates that bring us together internationally. – Stay tuned!

Gratefully I can report that the Facebook page “just-Biodanza in Vienna” already has 1000 people interested and reading these messages, as well as over 1400 people interactively participating in the Facebook group “just-Biodanza international”.- You make me happy, thank you!


In the meantime, I am working on the completion of Compose-V, a platform to support the composition of Biodanza Vivencias:

  • Calculation of planned courses
  • Calculation of duration of vivencias
  • Feedback on compliance with Biodanza methodology
  • Verified procedures and internationally validated data
  • More time for creation, through well-prepared tools for the
    composition of exercises and music pieces

Be at the forefront andstay tuned:

Rolando Toro - 97 years; transformation through Biodanza; future [2021 Corona crisis] 2