Martin Matyus
Martin Matyus
Initiator and
coordinator of and
Biodanza - Teacher
(currently under supervision)
Memberships and references
- Biodanza Rolando Toro (BRT) - founding member
Engagement and support
Model school Scuolatoro, Milan
Biodanza School Slowenia
- Biodanza operator / teacher
- Biodanza tutor
- Biodanza Teaching Trainer / Ditactic Teacher
Model school Scuolatoro in Milan
10th training course (10° Ciclo)
unter der Leidirection bytung vonMentoring by Mentoring agreement valid till
Applications and extensions
- Biodanza Acquatica (in body-warm water) with Eliane Matuk
- Biodanza in nature with Eliane Matuk
- Biodanza in workplaces (for companies and organisations) with Rodrigo Toro
- Biodanza and gerontology (Biodanza with older people) with Nadja Costa Robin
Dear visitors, I am pleased that you are looking at my profile. Here you can find all information about my Biodanza activities. I hope we will meet personally as soon as possible.From my 'bread and butter' job I am a management and IT consultant, I joined Biodanza in 2006 in the course of my consulting work and got involved with it.
I started my Biodanza training in 2011 in Milan with Eliane Matuk with the intention of simply wanting to better understand the system. Through many changes in my surroundings and the insights and experiences I have gained during this time, my intention and my decision to dive deeper into the topic has been strengthened.
For me personally, Biodanza is a journey with my colleagues of the 10th cycle at the Scuolatoro, which has fulfilled my thirst for knowledge on the one hand, but also my feelings.
The relation to science and the experience of what is going on is very important for me. I lead regular Biodanza week groups in Vienna.
'Biodanza at workplaces', as well as workshops for companies to improve employee communication and cooperation skills are part of my offer.
Benefits and effects
- Simply feeling better, that is, having a better holistic sense of well-being.
- Sensitize own sensitivity and empathy.
- Being able to live out the joy of movement and encounters.
- In a familiar circle, just being me.
- Being able to switch off - take a weekly short break from everyday life.
- promote health, reduce stress and prevent burnout.
- Discovery of the original potentials within oneself, as well as
- Development of own potentials and implementation in daily life.
Direct connection
Languages: I speak German, English and understand some Italian.Place of residence: Vienna, Austria
Sphere of action / offers in: Vienna, Austria and Germany, and Bratislava, Slovenia and Italy
Phone/mobile, WhatsApp/Telegram: +43 (676) 608 3308
personal email address:
All dates with Martin (Profile.silver):
personal web page (
QR-Code and Short-Link
Social Media - Profile
Facebook, profile: Martin Matyus
Facebook, page: in Austria (german)
Facebook, group: international (english)
Linkedin, profile: Martin Matyus
Telegram, channel: just Biodanza in Vienna (german)
Telegram, channel: just Biodanza international (english)
Twitter, (german; english)
XING, profile: Martin Matyus
WhatsApp, Martin Matyus: +43 (676) 6083308
Additional information
AUXbrain k.s. - brain2cash, Consulting and Coaching for Business Development
Biodanza activities
Weekly groups and periodic events
Weekly groups, in Biodanza are constructive and can be run as a mixed group for women and men of all ages. Alternatively, a week group can be run with a special focus on a target group, e.g. 'for women only', 'for men only', 'for young adults', 'for seniors', etc. Details can be found in the respective calendar entries.Total duration about 1:30 to 2 hours, it will start on time.
- Beginners: 2 semesters x 14 units (semi-open group)
- Intermediate advanced: 2-3 semesters x 14 units (semi closed group)
- Advanced: 1-2 semesters x 14 units (closed group)
Sequence of events
approx. 10-20 min for greeting, sharing of personal experiences and feelings during the last Vivencia (optional, voluntary), as well as introduction and information about Biodanza, the method, effects, ...about 70-90 min - The Vivencia (a biodanza unit)
about 5-10 min - conclusion and farewell
Events and one-time events
Events in Biodanza, are block events, which usually have a special theme, e.g. festivals or events like Biodanza in nature, etc.Participants
- Participants may be limited to certain experience levels. For me, your regularly visited Biodanza Vivencias is a 'clue', whereby the experience level of individual persons always develops differently, in case of doubt please ask me if the event is suitable for you.
- Beginners, 0-2 semesters
- Intermediate advanced, 2-6 semesters
- Advanced, in excess of 4-8 semesters
- Very experienced, with a practice beyond that or have already completed or are about to complete a Biodanza training
Sequence of events
Events can be very different. More information is available in the calendar.Author Martin Matyus
Translation by ---
last changes to 20200325
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